Homemade meals, homemade pots

“Two other fashions (read: plagues) I’d like to see go away this year are the omnipresence of white plates (someone please have mercy) and cheap, uncomfortable restaurant chairs.  I’d give anything to walk into a restaurant with rich, dark, plush furnishings...

What’s Your Number?

In order to make good pottery, you have to make A LOT of pottery.  Everyone has a number, i.e. the quantity of any given pot you need to make in order to make the pot that you want.  In the beginning, you have a lot of basic skills to practice: centering, opening, and...

It’s Resolution Season!

I am a Resolutionist.  I can’t help it.  Numbers are very motivational for me.  And, a new year just plays into my already heightened enthusiasm.  So in a brave, new approach, I am sharing some of my 2011 Pottery Resolutions. Better Pots: The general focus for 2011...

Glaze Contest

Julie and I use several commercial glazes in our suite of glazes.  So, when Coyote Glazes announced their annual glaze competition, we entered.  Some of our entries are based on our signature glaze combinations that have been tweaked to use Coyote’s products...