Our Blog

Read more about A Bit Off Center, our pottery, and things that inspire us to create. 



Happy 2015!  It is a new year and now that the holidays are over, I am ready to go boldly into this calendar year. Looking back at 2014, there were lots of good things.  Jeff and I started the year in Japan - which was an amazing and inspirational trip.  We 'finished'...

Having a Partner

Having a Partner

Which pots are yours?  How does having a partner work?  Who made this pot? These are some of the questions that we are frequently asked.  I am not sure why it seems so out of the ordinary to work collaboratively in clay.  After all, there are a number of successful...

Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice

It's the Summer Solstice today - longest day/shortest night.  If it isn't already obvious from past postings, I really like the solstices and equinoxes.  It is something about their oppositional balance that I find appealing. So, on this first official day of summer,...

Salavaging Pottery

Salavaging Pottery

I messed up.  I over-fired a bisque load. It was careless and I still can't figure out how it happened.  Unfortunately, it isn't the first time that I've done this...it is the second. The first time it happened, our kiln was full of small bowls.  Although they didn't...

First Place!

First Place!

This is show season.  Although, we participate in shows throughout the year, the fall is our busy time.  And, this year, we have a full docket. Our most recent show was in Fayetteville at the International Folk Festival where A Bit Off Center won first place for...

The Autumnal Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox

It is the first day of fall.  I love the balance of the day - equal dark and equal light.  It is also the start of my favorite time of year.  After our bible study, I spent the day with family and friends.  I cooked and we all watched football.  I feel a bit guilty...

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