Shooting Freethrows

Basketball players practice free throws a lot – and they still miss.  I think centering is a lot like free throws – at first you miss a lot , then you get into a cycle of improving and relapsing.  Finally, you center effectively most of the time.  I say most of the...

Rice and Bowls

Fledgling sushi chefs spend months (sometimes years) doing nothing but making the rice for the head chef.  If the rice isn’t right, it really doesn’t matter what else you do, you’re not going to be able to serve great sushi.  Too often, we quickly...

Pottery on Board

Confessions:  1. I am not a good driver (a lack in skill)  and 2.  I am not a patient driver (a lack in character).  To compensate for point 2 (since there is really nothing I can do about point 1 at this stage of life), I tend to listen to audio books, podcasts, or...

Timing is everything

Timing is critical in life and especially in pottery.  After I had taken pottery classes for a while, I realized that if I wanted to make better pots I had to do two things: practice more and control the drying time. But no matter how well-thrown a pot is, if the...

Production Pottery – Storage

When making functional pottery it is vital that the pots perform their role well; but, when making dinnerware sets, it is also necessary to consider how those pots function when they are NOT in use.  So once you have acquired the skills to make similar pots the same...