Mug Collection

My new mug has me thinking.  Mugs are one of my favorite pots to make, use, and give.  I have several mugs in my cabinets – although they are mostly older mugs or seconds (which I mean to up-grade).  When we moved into our home, Jeff surprised me and made a ‘mug...

Winter Luxuries for a Potter

Winters in eastern NC are usually mild and 2012 has been exceptionally mild. But, we had a cold snap, and although I have a small space heater in my studio that manages to take most of the chill out, it never gets really warm.  So even though I love making pots, it is...

The Potter and the Baker

I love to cook; but baking was never a passion.  It had to do with 2 things: calories and messiness.  No matter what you bake, there are a lot of calories.  And, sous-potter, Jeff, doesn’t like breads or sweets, which means the bulk of the calories are mine to consume...

February’s Hiatus

February is an uneventful time of year.  The holidays have been packed away; the football season is over; and craft  shows are several months away.   So there isn’t much in the way of demand from February. Because of the hiatus in activity, this is a great time for me...


Although I love the holidays, there is something fresh and uncluttered about January.  The darker days seem to lend themselves to quiet contemplation; and, as a resolutionist, I find myself thinking about what would like to do in the new year. The primary thing I...

Zumba and Pottery

I have been going to a gym for several years; I work out on my own but I also take classes.  I really like the weight lifting and aerobic classes.  But, in an attempt to expand my class-repertoire, I decided to go to a Zumba class.  Although, I love to dance, I am not...