External Motivators

There are ways I can stimulate creativity – work, think, engage with inspiration, give myself a challenge, or solve a problem.  Although the first four actions are self induced; solving a problem is often due to something outside my control (like how to save a...

Chinese Scholar’s Garden

During our vacation, Jeff had a training class in NJ which meant I had 2 days to myself.  On one of those days, I went to the public garden on Staten Island.  It was a beautiful day – perfect for wandering around a garden.  I spent the time taking pictures and...

House of Surprises

Today we visited the Isabella Gardener Museum in Boston.  It is a unique museum filled with pieces Isabella Gardener collected and displayed in a house she had built for her collections.  The collections are housed in several rooms and salons that are arranged around...


I have been taking workshops for several years.  And, since 2009, Julie and I have been attending week-long workshops.  One was hosted in Asheville and two were sponsored by Arrowmont.  All of them helped me technically; but more than that, they provided fuel for...

February’s Hiatus

February is an uneventful time of year.  The holidays have been packed away; the football season is over; and craft  shows are several months away.   So there isn’t much in the way of demand from February. Because of the hiatus in activity, this is a great time for me...