Braum and Friend

My friend came for the weekend.  As Jeff was away and Julie went out of town, I thought it would be fun to have a retreat weekend.  I invited her and her dog on the condition that it would be a work retreat.  She oil paints and I have a lot of pottery to make.  And, I am a sucker for a theme – so declaring a Retreat Weekend felt like a good idea.

It was fun; and, Braum had a blast playing with his friend – it was dog-wrestling mania all weekend long.  We took a walk, drank coffee, had snacks, and even watched a movie (How to Train Your Dragon – which was really cute).  And, we both spent time working.  She set up in my dining room and I worked in my studio.

I worked on a list of orders, straightened the studio, and wedged clay.  It wasn’t an overly productive weekend but very satisfying.  I like working and it was nice to know that she was entertained while I was throwing.   It was also nice having a bit of structure to the weekend.  I planned the meals in advance – nothing special by my standards, basic food that was prepared quickly.  But, the company made it even more enjoyable.