Production Pottery – Challenge #2

“Technical ability grows naturally with experience, but conceptual rigor needs constant attention and exploration.”  Sean O’Connell Although not all potters aspire to be production potters, all potters will benefit from the skills required to make dinnerware.  Potters...

Production Pottery – Challenge #1

Although not all potters aspire to be production potters, all potters will benefit from the skills required to make dinnerware.  Potters who can make multiple pots similar in form and size are efficient throwers and have the technical skills to accomplish any sort of...

Production Pottery

Pottery classes have resumed  at the art center, and, I am thrilled to be back among such passionate people.  This session, we are working on dinnerware which is a sneaky way to have everyone make multiples – after all, there is no better way to acquire...

Dragon Wisdom

      “Anyone with the time and inclination can acquire the technical proficiency.  To achieve greatness though, that requires artistry, imagination, and thoughtfulness.”                                        – Christopher Paolini I was listening to...