I am a Resolutionist. I can’t help it. Numbers are very motivational for me. And, a new year just plays into my already heightened enthusiasm. So in a brave, new approach, I am sharing some of my 2011 Pottery Resolutions.
Better Pots: The general focus for 2011 will be continued practice and refinement. We have sales outlets that will allow us to make a lot of pots this year. I like making pots and feel that there are several pot details that I want to improve. So, in order to make better and more interesting pots, I intend to be purposeful and mindful when throwing pots throughout the year.
Improve Classes: I also want to improve class instruction and bring more interesting projects to the ceramics class. I have begun to work on this goal by developing several class themes and can’t wait to share them.
Healthier: I also want to me more conscientious of my back, neck, and sinuses. I plan to work in pottery for a long time so I need to change how I sit, hold my shoulders, and wear a mask.
Photography: I have seen some great photos on other blogs and they have encouraged me to improve my skills. I want to take better pictures of pots and other things that inspire me . My generous mother loaned me her camera indefinitely and I have begun to work with it.
Drawing: Last year, I took a basic drawing class at Emerge. It was helpful and I felt like a real artist when I used charcoal. I have a book that I want to work through to prepare for a pottery workshop in August.
Blog: I think 2 entries a week will keep the website from feeling stagnant. The blog is still a challenge. I strive to be transparent, genuine, and discrete.
I am looking forward to all that 2011 has in store!
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