Eva Zeisel

This week is the last week of classes in the Winter Session at the art center where I teach.  The focus of our session was “Production Pottery” in which we made dinnerware pieces.  As I was preparing for our last class, I began to think about Eva Zeisel, a renowned...

Production Pottery – Storage

When making functional pottery it is vital that the pots perform their role well; but, when making dinnerware sets, it is also necessary to consider how those pots function when they are NOT in use.  So once you have acquired the skills to make similar pots the same...

Production Pottery – Challenge #2

“Technical ability grows naturally with experience, but conceptual rigor needs constant attention and exploration.”  Sean O’Connell Although not all potters aspire to be production potters, all potters will benefit from the skills required to make dinnerware.  Potters...

Production Pottery – Challenge #1

Although not all potters aspire to be production potters, all potters will benefit from the skills required to make dinnerware.  Potters who can make multiple pots similar in form and size are efficient throwers and have the technical skills to accomplish any sort of...