Instructor and student

While I was getting ready to go to a pottery workshop, I was thinking about all the opportunities that I have had to be in the instructor role.  This weekend, I am looking forward to being a student. I have had many teaching opportunities – community college...

It’s Resolution Season!

I am a Resolutionist.  I can’t help it.  Numbers are very motivational for me.  And, a new year just plays into my already heightened enthusiasm.  So in a brave, new approach, I am sharing some of my 2011 Pottery Resolutions. Better Pots: The general focus for 2011...


My last day of potting was December 21.  Julie and I worked really hard to fill orders and finish gifts.  We will get back to work at the end of the week.  But I am relishing the break and the time to do some other holiday things. This holiday season was a lot of fun...