
I have been taking workshops for several years.  And, since 2009, Julie and I have been attending week-long workshops.  One was hosted in Asheville and two were sponsored by Arrowmont.  All of them helped me technically; but more than that, they provided fuel for...

Goals revised

I enjoy making multiples (as any reader of this blog already knows).  I find it challenging and satisfying.  So when we found out that we would be attending Bele Chere in July, I began making mugs. I love to make mugs and having a set goal really motivates me.  I had...

Time Allocation

When I started making pottery, I was a student at a community studio.  All of the time that I dedicated to my hobby was spent engaging with clay.  I worked on the wheel or glazed pots because the support work (firing, cleaning, glaze maintenance, etc.) was done by a...


“In every situation… you have a choice.  You can look back or look forward.  Look forward.  Always think about the next day.  Don’t go into the studio thinking “Hmm, let’s see, what was I doing yesterday?  It takes more energy to twist...

Longer Days

In eastern NC, spring is filled with yellow, pine pollen and it seems to be overtaken by summer heat very quickly.  So spring isn’t one of my favorite seasons.   But, since I have been ‘potting’, my appreciation of this time of year has grown.  I enjoy the longer days...


Confession:  I am not a risk taker.  In pottery, there are a lot of things I can’t control; therefore, I often make multiples to ensure that I get a successful pot.  For example, if I want to make a friend a mug, I often make 2-5 mugs and select the best for...