Although I love the holidays, there is something fresh and uncluttered about January.  The darker days seem to lend themselves to quiet contemplation; and, as a resolutionist, I find myself thinking about what would like to do in the new year.

The primary thing I would like to focus on this year is developing more interesting pots.  This is one of those immeasurable goals – allusive and hard to define.    Essentially, I would like to add layers of depth to the pots to make them feel more like my own.  I haven’t figured out how I am going to go about this; and, I suspect that it will take much longer than a year.  A few things I will do to help myself along are: compiling a sketchbook/scrapbook, carving stamps, more glaze experimentation, and purposeful quiet time.

In addition, I would like to make some pottery for myself.  The few pots that live in my cabinets are seconds and misfits.  They are fine but I would like to upgrade.  I hate to have our guests see my ‘ugly step-children’.  Among the pots I want to make for myself are holiday plates for next Christmas.  Along that same thought, I want to make an Advent calendar for our home.  It occurred to me this past holiday season, that our young houseguests would have enjoyed opening the jars during their visits.

I am sure that there will be other things to challenge me in the New Year; but, these are what seem to be on my mind the  most.