by Rae | Dec 20, 2011 | About Me, Gifts, Holiday, Philosophy, Sous-potter, Teaching
Handmade gifts can express something more than an average store-bought gift. A handmade present is one-of-a kind. And, in our lives of homogeneous chain stores and generic gift cards, this is refreshing. Handmade gifts made by you are even more special. Perhaps...
by Rae | Dec 14, 2011 | Books, Gifts, Holiday, Scale, Tools
During gift-giving season, many people are searching for the perfect present. So, I have been commissioned by the elves to help. To that, here are some suggestions that would surely make any potter smile on Christmas morning. Stocking Stuffers: Sherrill Mud tools...
by Rae | Sep 21, 2011 | About Me, Glazes, Mugs, Multiples
When I first started making pottery, I chucked most of my pots. In fact, it was quite a while before I kept anything (I am not sentimental). I held no delusions about the quality of pot I was capable of making. It is the same for all potters. In the beginning,...
by Rae | Dec 27, 2010 | Class, Gifts, Holiday, Studio, Uncategorized
My last day of potting was December 21. Julie and I worked really hard to fill orders and finish gifts. We will get back to work at the end of the week. But I am relishing the break and the time to do some other holiday things. This holiday season was a lot of fun...
by Rae | Dec 13, 2010 | Gifts, Glazes, Holiday, Lids, Uncategorized
Advent Pot ProductionI really enjoyed making the Advent calendar. So I thought I would share the development process. As I have disclosed, I don’t have a artistic background. So it was surprising for me to find out that ‘artists’ work and rework...
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