by Rae | Oct 20, 2012 | A Bit Off Center, Studio, studio work
Since I have been making and selling pots, I have met a lot of passionate and interesting artists. It is on the of the unforeseen benefits of being a potter. Among those are Speight and Nassim Farmer of A-La-Mode Photography who recently came to take pictures of us...
by Rae | Aug 11, 2012 | Mugs, Multiples, studio work
I make a lot of pots because I enjoy making pots. As a consequence, I sell those pots. A lot of potters don’t sell because they don’t want to feel pressured to make a certain number of a particular pot. But, I don’t feel that way. In fact, I was...
by Rae | Jul 24, 2012 | Studio, studio work
The studio has been hopping over the last few weeks because we have been getting ready for the craft shows. These sort of preparations are fun for me. I like having a list of things to work on; and, I especially like it when that list is so full that I have a choice...
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