
Although I love the holidays, there is something fresh and uncluttered about January.  The darker days seem to lend themselves to quiet contemplation; and, as a resolutionist, I find myself thinking about what would like to do in the new year. The primary thing I...

Zumba and Pottery

I have been going to a gym for several years; I work out on my own but I also take classes.  I really like the weight lifting and aerobic classes.  But, in an attempt to expand my class-repertoire, I decided to go to a Zumba class.  Although, I love to dance, I am not...

Bisque load

The first bisque load of 2012 is complete and my kiln shelves look good.  This is the first firing since I scraped and painted the shelves with new kiln wash.  Truthfully, it is too early to tell if this new self leveling kiln wash will perform any better than the...

Speaking of resolutions…

While I’m on the topic of resolutions and goals, I thought I would share a site that I have used off-and-on.  It is called 43 Things.  On a whim I did a search for the most popular goals and the 43 Things website came up.   In case you didn’t know, my...

2011 Reviewed

Welcome 2012!  A fresh new year, full of possibilities. I am in the midst of making my new year’s resolutions.  This is a task that I take quite seriously – mostly because I have low guilt threshold – so it doesn’t take much for me to feel guilty.  If I casually set a...

Handmade Holiday

Handmade gifts can express something more than an average store-bought gift.  A handmade present is one-of-a kind.  And, in our lives of homogeneous chain stores and generic gift cards, this is refreshing. Handmade gifts made by you are even more special.  Perhaps...