“You can choose what you do, but you can’t choose what you like to do.”       Grechin Rubin

Winter Blue Teapot

I exercise but I wish I liked to run.  I have tried to like it.  I got better at running for a while but I never developed a love for it.  Sometimes I say I don’t like something but the truth is I am afraid or uncomfortable.  But in the case of running, I really don’t like it.

I have been contemplating this quote by G. Rubin.  The truth of it reverberates with me because it enlightens a reality that hasn’t been tangible for me.  I could spend a lot of time and energy trying to love running – or I could just accept that I tried it and don’t like it and move on to something more enjoyable such as Body Pump.

Detail of Winter Blue Teapot

I took a workshop with Gay Smith who said she developed her particular aesthetic by maximizing the time she spent with her favorite parts of the ceramic process.  Perhaps if I allow myself the indulgence of pursuing the aspects of the ceramic process that I love (throwing and trimming), I too will develop more distinctive pots.