To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven       – The Bryds

Mugs in process

Mugs in process

One of the biggest challenges for me as a potter is getting ready for the  holidays so far in advance.  Although it is just November, I am almost done making pots for the holiday shows.  In fact, most of the pots were made in the late summer and early fall.  If I don’t finish the bulk of the pots for the stores and shows before November, they won’t get made and I have no availability to fill custom orders.

Sous-potters Braum and Smack play hide-and-seek

Sous-potters Braum and Smack play hide-and-seek

But what is especially difficult is motivating myself to work on Christmas-themed pots before Thanksgiving.  I just don’t have a sense of holiday inspiration  when the leaves haven’t even changed colors.  I can work on lists of pots that need to be made for shows and stores but I can’t conjure ideas for Christmas dishes that early.  I wonder how other artists and crafters harness holiday ideas in the off-season.